Saturday, November 24, 2007

Companions For a Little While at Least

So I just looked at a picture and it made me think of something that I at least think is interesting and cool and such. I think its kind of crazy thinking about your shoes. Ya I know at first you just think of those things you put on your feet, and sometimes they look cool, or sometimes they are good for running, or sometimes they keep your feet warm, but if you think about it, that's not all. I think its kind of crazy just thinking about all of the places your shoes go with you...everywhere. They are with you all of the time. My shoes have been in so many places. My current ones have have seen the hills and mountains and plains while backpacking in New Mexico. They have gotten to know the halls of my school real well. They have been to all of my friends house just like I have. They have been with me through the good times and the bad. If you think about it, your shoes could be some of your best friends. I know I wouldn't be the same without them. Ha I think it would be pretty cool to just have a conversation with my shoes. We would be able to reminisce about all sorts of things. It was be a good time. Man I love my shoes. It will be a sad day when I have to retire them. They will always be remembered though. Anyways, just think about that...your shoes....crazy eh. Ha. Talk to you later.


Phillip said...
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Phillip said...

I don't mean to be argumentative, but I don't want to have a conversation with my shoes. Can you imagine how much they must resent you? You walk all over them! And what kind of a friend is a person to their shoes? After a hard year or so of laboring and using them to their full extent, grinding away at their youthful beauty, we discard them because we're tired of dealing with their problems (i.e. holes). Also, think about girls. They can't even pick and treasure one pair of shoes. Just think of the pent-up jealousy they all must have for each other.

No, the thing I want to have a conversation with is my wallet. There's a much more healthy relationship there. When your wallet is lost you are somewhat lost without it. You trust it with your most valuable personal possetions and most people will not readily part with their current wallet for a shiny new model. No, tried and true. It's adapted over time to you, having a slight ark.

Indeed while some people would cheat on their wallet with some silly money clip, it is the universal best friend that can last the ages.

Andy said...

man andy you are so smart how do you do it. i definitely agree with you. phil is wrong!!!!!!! wrong i tell you! wrong!

Phillip said...

Lmao, sorry 'bout contradicting you :D

Andy said...

bitch what