Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sorry but This is Really annoying...

I am sorry, but I need to vent a little bit. Ok so I think that it is alright for people, specifically girls to have drama in their lives. Everyone has it. Guys too of course. But there are two different directions you can take with your drama. One, the better way, is you look at what is happening and you accept it. If you can, you fix whatever happened and then you move on. It's not easy but at the same time it's as simple as that. You learn from any mistakes, make some changes, and those sorts of things happen less and eventually go away. I might relate back to that a little later, but I think that is the better response to drama.

Now, a worse response, is to complain and make it worse. I think it is terrible when drama happens to people (sorry but its mostly girls) and they cry and complain about somebody breaking up with them. Or even worse they complain that the same thing always happens to them and nothing ever changes (I think I might have said this about myself before and that is my mistake. I have made some changes). They don't try to change anything, they simply complain about how bad everything sucks.

I am sorry, but this really bothers me sometimes. Especially when someone says that they hate their life. Shut up. You don't hate your life. It could be so much much worse. Maybe if you actually did something about your drama and perhaps made some changes, things wouldn't be so "bad." Yes, it might be hard, but life is not easy. It is not supposed to be. And I do think there are definitely times when you can legitimetly but in a depressed mood. But it shouldn't be about drama. It should be when somebody you love is sick or is hurt or is dying or something like that. That is so much worse then when whoever you were dating broke up with you and then some other person was starting a rumor about you. It's okay, you will be alright.

I hope I didn't offend anybody with this, but it is what I believe. I am not saying all people are like this, but when I see it, it just annoys me. Talk to you later.


Aaron said...

For being new to this blogging thing you have some pretty extensive posts. Keep it up.

And yeah, I keep thinking that my guitar will just show up somewhere. Bummer.

Anonymous said...

Amen Andy. Screw drama, it's pointless. The funny part is that, people like to watch TV shows, Laguna Beach for example, that is about, well, drama.

Phillip said...
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Patti said...

Fuck drama. Even the class sucks. And Yeah, those damn girls causing so many problems. I agree, it mostly is girls. Guys are all 'Dude whatever'.

Gooooo... not drama.